It is a tried and tested method to handle the text of Scripture with conscientious fidelity through verse-by-verse exposition. In the latter sense, there are two possible exceptions, the book of James and the book of Proverbs - they both move swiftly from topic to topic with little sense of order. 

The book of Proverbs contains a gold mine of experiential theology - Christianity in “working clothes.” My aim in writing this book was to provide a historical and lexicological framework as well as gathering as many as possible of these golden nuggets (short sentences based on long experience) and arranging them according to their various themes. Another subject dealt with is a comprehensive analysis of our speech and its potential for evil (and good). The finale is an overview of how New Testament writers have utilized ‘Proverbs’ through extensive quotations and from the mouth of the Lord Jesus Himself, who is God. 

It is to be hoped that the reader will benefit adjunctly from this presentation, but moreover from the inspired and inerrant Word itself. 

Studying the Book of Proverbs: A Manual for Living