About Neil S. Mason

Neil’s theology is consistent and historic, essentially Augustinian in all primary matters, as summarized in the Doctrines of Grace that are found throughout the Scriptures and associated with Calvin (TULIP). Although persuaded by Covenant Theology, he is not paedobaptistic. Moreover, he values the great creeds and the Reformed Standards including, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession and the Canons of the Synod of Dordrecht, and the First London (1644) Baptist Confession, solely for their elenctic theology and confessional orthodoxy, but not as a substitute for, or as having rule over Scripture. 

Some of his favourite theologians and writers include Martin Luther, John Calvin, Hermann Witsius, WGT Shedd, BB Warfield, J Gresham Machen, Francis Turretin, Robert Haldane, AW Pink, Louis Berkhof, George Smeaton, Alexander Carson, JC Ryle, CH Spurgeon, D. Martyn Lloyd Jones, John R. Gerstner, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, CP Venema, Michael Reeves, Steve Lawson, John MacArthur, and Joel Beeke. He is fond of the Puritans (especially J Flavel, W Perkins, J Owen, T Brooks, T Watson, S Charnock, John Bunyan, George Swinnock, and John Hurrion).

Since his “Damascus Road” like conversion in 2000, he is entirely motivated to serve God and honour Christ in all that he says and does. He also seeks to edify believing members in his local body, Grace Church of the Valley Kingsburg, and beyond, in order to equip and encourage them as far as he is able.

He currently resides in California, USA. He is married to his wife Judy, an RN. They have no children. They have adopted in their home five abandoned felines. In his spare time, Neil obtains great enjoyment from playing the pianoforte.